Standard Concrete carries several lines of manufactured and natural veneer stones. Click here to see the different brands that we currently have access to.
Whether you choose natural or manufactured, we have a variety of colors and styles to choose from. Many of the manufacturers also offer sills, hearth stones, switch covers, and other accessories to add the final touches to your job.
At our store, we have numerous sample boards and literature that you can take home with you to help select the perfect product for your project.
All of our stone veneer products are special order. They are typically available within two to four weeks from placing your order.
Here is a recent study shared to us from F&M Supply, one of our Veneer Stone suppliers. It shows statistics on how great of an investment our products can be in your home…
“Zonda has published the 37th annual Cost vs. Value (CVV) Report detailing the most common home renovation projects across the nation ranked by return on investment (ROI) values. We are excited to share the results of this year’s report: According to Zonda Media, Manufactured Stone Veneer has once again been ranked as a top investment in home renovations, with homeowners recouping over 153% of the initial cost. This impressive return on investment is a 50% increase from last year’s report, and it’s worth noting that Manufactured Stone Veneer has ranked in the top 3 on this study for 10 consecutive years.”