Need a Lot or a Little?

Whether you need a handful of grass seed to fill in a small patch where your grass didn’t make it through the winter, or you need to plant all new and regrade your slope…we can help. Stop in to check out our options for various types of soils and seeds.


Standard Concrete Products always has a large amount of topsoil available. We offer regular topsoil and screened topsoil which we screen here. Our screened topsoil is also available in 75 lbs bags.


Standard Concrete takes great pride in the quality of the topsoil we offer. We are very selective in acquiring topsoil for processing. Standard Concrete also adds amendments to the soil to control drainage and make the product more user friendly. We consider our topsoil to be the best available in our region.


Diamond Tex

Standard Concrete Products sells Diamond Tex in bulk. This product is often used on baseball and softball fields.


Straw & Straw Matting

Standard Concrete Products sells straw bales, straw mats, and Excelsior mats. Many times people use straw to lie over freshly planted grass seed. A roll of straw matting is normally placed over freshly planted grass seed. It is a much cleaner and efficient way to protect seeds from blowing away than straw. It works great on inclines to prevent seed from washing out.


Grass Seed

Standard Concrete Products sells three types of grass seed that are available in either 50lbs bags or by the pound. Contractors Mix will come up quickly after it has been planted, but the majority of it will not appear the following year. State Mix will grow soon after it is planted and will come back year after year. Shady Mix will come up every year, and is able to grow in areas without a lot of sunlight.


Contractor Mix

  • Annual Ryegrass
  • Perennial Ryegrass


Download the Contractor Mix spec sheet by clicking here.


State Mix

  • Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Creeping Red Fescue
  • Perennial Ryegrass


For the State Mix spec sheet click here.


Shady Mix

  • Creeping Red Fescue
  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Kentucky Bluegrass


Click here for the Shady Mix spec sheet.



Standard Concrete Products sells different Seedway fertilizers.

16-28-10 Starter Fertilizer 25% SCU is our most common fertilizer that we sell. One bag will cover 12,000 square foot and should be used for newly established grass.


Looking to See What We Have For Your Next Project?

Our local showroom is a convenient stop on your way to getting your next project off the ground! You’ll find our staff is friendly and helpful. Their expertise of the bulk materials products we carry will help you choose the best products for your needs.