Your Drainage Resource
We stock numerous styles and sizes of pipe and drain basins. Stop in to check out our inventory. Don’t hesitate to ask one of our staff if you don’t see what you need. We can order many other sizes and styles of pipe and drains.

Standard Concrete Products stocks ADS pipe in sizes ranging from 3 inches to 24 inches, in either a solid or perforated style. Standard Concrete Products handles black ADS pipe which is corrugated, and we also have a full line of ADS fittings.
Standard Concrete Products sells both sewer and drain and Schedule 40 styles of PVC pipe in both perforated and solid. Our sizes of PVC range from 3 inches to 6 inches. We also carry all of the necessary fittings associated with the above products.

Standard Concrete Products sells the full line of both 6 inch and 8 inch Form-A-Drain fittings and pipes. Form-a-drain is ideal for foundation drainage.
NDS Drain
Standard Concrete Products has both 3 inch and 4 inch NDS channel drains with grates and all of the available fittings. We can special order mini channel, micro-channel, DuraSlope and the Pro Series styles depending on you project requirements

Standard Concrete carries Polylok drainage products. This includes trench & channel drains, catch basins, and accessories.
Looking to See What We Have For Your Next Project?
Standard Concrete is your go-to resource for products and tools for your next outdoor project.