Standard Concrete is excited to announce that we will be selling and servicing Stihl power tools within the next few months. We will carry an industrial line in store that is focused on our customer’s needs. These products will include chainsaws, concrete saws, and trimmers. We will also stock blades, chains, PPE (personal protective equipment), … Continued
Phase 2 Of Our COVID-19 Reopening
As Pennsylvania’s construction industry reopens, so are we! Standard Concrete has moved to the next phase of it’s reopening plan while still taking necessary precautions to keep our employees and customers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of Monday, May 4, 2020, we have opened the doors of our store to customers for the first … Continued
Business Operations During COVID-19
We would like to inform you of our business operations during COVID-19. These procedures are in place to keep both our customers and employees safe. We are an essential business under Governor Wolf’s order. As of April 13, 2020, we have reopened! Our hours will now be Monday through Friday from 7am to 3pm. We … Continued
2019 Vendor Day
Join Us for Our 2019 Vendor Day June 14th marks Standard Concrete Product’s 9th annual Vendor Day. The event will take place between 11am and 2pm. Vendor Day will be held at our store, which is located at 700 North Sherman Street in York, Pennsylvania. What is Vendor Day? Each year we invite our … Continued